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The experiences that I have endured are beyond parental alienation.
What my family and i continue to endure is beyond the scope of what is defined as parental alienation. Our pain is magnified by the ridicule that we are subjected to by not only Christy, but also Michael, Kaylee, and other members of the alienator's family.
This page will display some examples of the gloating, the ridiculing, and the mocking of our family as we continue to be tormented by Christy and others.
What my family and i continue to endure is beyond the scope of what is defined as parental alienation. Our pain is magnified by the ridicule that we are subjected to by not only Christy, but also Michael, Kaylee, and other members of the alienator's family.
This page will display some examples of the gloating, the ridiculing, and the mocking of our family as we continue to be tormented by Christy and others.
(click on available links to go to documentation) Christy's picture-text day after she violated court-order Christy gloating about going to my dad's Christy calls 1/2 a ring. Text that April called but I don't answer. Christy/April agrees to dinner then retracts in 20 minutes. Kaylee mocking on Facebook Erica Mocking on Facebook Mike kissing van window on Aug 10th 2012 |