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The New Face of Parental Alienation Fight
Erasing Family Film O.C. Fundraiser"Fundraiser in OC was a big success! Everyone was in tears when we showed a clip from the film of an #erased daughter. Let us know if you want to organize an event, you can also participate by donating at www.erasingfamily.org
(all donations are tax deductible) and will help us make a film that will reunite families #erased by the divorce courts. Director Ginger Gentile, advocate Joe Barrow and reunification coach Dorcy Pruter." ~Ginger Gentile, Director <Please DONATE to this important film Click here> |
Parental alienation is the process, and the result, of psychological manipulation of a child into showing unwarranted fear, disrespect or hostility towards a parent and/or other family members.
It’s difficult to know where to start, so I will say this to fellow alienated parents. My story is so much like yours it's eerie. I know it is because I have heard the pain and frustration in your voices and I have read about them in your posts and comments. The tales you tell of the insidiousness of this form of child abuse are heartbreaking. I can relate to it so well. I have also battled endlessly only to suffer setback after setback, with the occasional gain, then a glint of hope, that eventually, incomprehensibly, manages to get lost and discarded in the sea of absurdity. I too have felt like I am in a lost episode of the Twilight Zone, except more horrific because it is real.
So yes, I know your pain. (read more...)

In 2013, my family and I took our protests nationwide by going on a Cross Country Awareness Tour.
Actor Jason Patric Speaks Out againts Parental Alienation. Mentions Joe Barrow's case on CNN
http://www.cnn.com/videos/bestoftv/2014/02/11/jason-patric-paternity-interview-cuomo-newday-full.cnn |
Erased Families send photos from all over the world
Erasing Family Documentary
You can help make a film to reunite families #erased by divorce courts. Millions of children have a loving parent erased by the family court system after divorce or separation. Erasing Family is the first documentary aimed at young adults to encourage them to reunite with their erased families. More... |
TEDTALK: Parental Alienation
Parental alienation is a devastating problem affecting millions of families around the world. Unfortunately, much like how we addressed domestic violence several decades ago, we treat parental alienation as a domestic issue rather than as a problem that affects communities, school systems, police and court systems, mental health and financial institutions, and legislative bodies. I will discuss how our social and cultural systems sanction and even promote parental alienation at the expense of our children, and what can be done about it. |
Judge Punishes Father
No King Solomon It has a Name Poor @$%ing Billy & the clearing of the courtroom Trial: Day One Irony, Sick, Sick Irony I know about nightmares Run, Shoeless Joe, Run I hope this Offends You |
A mini Documentary on Parental Alienation using an actual episode of Desperate Housewives to highlight how easy a parent can hijack a child's mind and heart. This is, as we know, an epidemic. The ending is powerful as it shows how separated/divorced parents should speak to their children about the separation. For those of you who want to begin to get an idea of how easy it to brainwash a child to not only hate and fear another parent but to make false allegations of abuse either toward them or the aligned parent watch this video.
Watch Parental Alienation Documentary on YouTube
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