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Commissioner Deborah Daniel, Shirley Stutson, Susan Bailes, Pietrina Termini: Does this look like I am alienating myself?
“Hey, my world, our world, its going to be an honest one. My world is going to be one where truth is strengthened and falsehood is recognized and marginalized.” Pamela Meyer, How to Spot A Liar
Shirley Stutson MFT, Pietrina Termini, Susan Bailes, MFT, Dr. Beth McGuire, and Commissioner Deborah Daniel: Please read carefully. This is the only family that an impressionable young girl has left and there are already repercussions. Honorable Marsha Slough are you aware that this is happening on your watch?
The Main Alienators:Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. ~ Ephesians 5:11
I don't blame our daughter for hating me now, her desire to love me never stood a chance. In order to get the full scope of the nightmare that we are going through, you need to know the people who are at the helm, driving the alienating behavior. These people are the main contributors affecting my relationship with April. Christy being the main one, everyone else (some I have never even met) just parrots her assertions and allegations. Christy claims that every man who has ever been in her life has been abusive towards her, including her father, who she (and her mother) claim was abusive. I wonder if he really was abusive or if he was also alienated from Christy and he is somewhere out there missing his daughter? All children deserve to have both parents in their lives. The things these people have done are in most cases illegal and, in all cases, morally reprehensible. |
These people live in the same house as April (Megan):
(Click on their names. Click on Erica's name for evidence of drug use and underage drinking in the home)
Christy: Megan's mom
This is our second round with this level of extreme alienating behavior. The first time Christy begged to settle, apologized, and blamed it on Megan and Kaylee. But that was due to psych report and pending trial. |
Kaylee: Older sister
A Court-Ordered psychologist Report states she is a major contributor to issue. |
Erica: Party teen mom Gloats that she is with Megan 24/7 and an "AWESOME INFLUENCE" Click Here and you decide |
Also living in the home or have:
Christy and the others mentioned above have played a significant role to what has happened to my relationship with Megan.
Note all the horrible things said about me and then ask yourself what an impressionable child would think about me and about herself as well. The one thing these people seem to forget is that when they attack me, they attack a part of who she is.
Note all the horrible things said about me and then ask yourself what an impressionable child would think about me and about herself as well. The one thing these people seem to forget is that when they attack me, they attack a part of who she is.
On This Page:This is what I have to deal with. It is craziness cubed. It is nothing short of evil. I have to go through so much hell just to continue to be a part of our daughter's life. When they are successful at interfering or have otherwise made progress towards alienating me from Megan, I am mocked and they celebrate. No one should have to go through this much. Especially not a child.
Some of the things Christy has accused me of (Note, some are felonies):
Christy and Mike don't understand that the name calling does nothing to me. It's, for the lack of a better word, silly. What is disturbing is the damage that is being done to Megan. Everything listed below has been said in front of Megan, who for 13 years loved me immensely...
Yet, Christy claims that she is encouraging and facilitating a positive relationship between me and April. For the record: I have an impeccably clean record, nothing has ever been filed or pursued against me. The false allegations of being a Peeping Tom were dismissed by CPS as they saw the convenience of the timing and circumstances of the accusations. See Blog
One question: Until about 3 years ago, Kaylee loved hanging out with me & our family. What happened? (Click Here)