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Mike (step-dad) Calls me a Stalker
Driving 2 hours 2 times a week just to wait for up to an additional 6 hours, sitting in the minivan, with a court-order in hand and waiting just waiting to either get a chance to see our daughter or for the Sheriff to show up doesn't make me a stalker Mike. It makes me a father.
April25.org: Back to: The Documented Case
Mike Calls me a Stalker
It happens right before I begin speaking. You can hear Mike saying "Hi Stalker."
What is most disturbing besides the fact that this is the man that our daughter lives with, is that I just drove 2 hours and have been waiting for an additional four hours for either Christy to show up with our daughter or the Sheriff to show up so I can file another report and go be with my family. Notice how I never return the hostility and simply say okay...NEVER have I returned the ridiculous amount of hostility that is displayed towards me. And I have been dealt some extreme BS. I have always been good to Mike and his kids and he looked up to me as a father. He would always say that when it came to some tough parenting situations he and Christy would always ask themselves, "WWJD. What Would Joe Do?" I took it as it was meant, like a compliment. Something has definitely changed. But April's older sister used to love me too. After this videotaped incident, I turned the van around and parked across the street facing in the direction that the Sheriff or Christy would be coming. After a few minutes I kept hearing little pebbles hitting my van. It was dark i could not see anyone nor where they were coming from. I started up the van and then moved down the street and they stopped. (Next episode: The kids, The guy with the gun, and making friends with their neighbors..) |
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