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April25.org: Bact to: The Documented Case
How an alienator manipulates the court system.Perhaps because she has been to court with the other two fathers of her other two children, Christy seems to know how she can get away with doing the most egregiously lie, mislead
Christy's response to my response on January 12, 2013
The first thing that I want to respond to is item #14, (Click Here) I have the actual text message exchange for the court to determine if it is in fact me that is playing head games or attempting to get even. 1. False. I have filed Proof of Service, I also have a Certified Mail Receipt, a sales receipt of payment to the post office, and a Delivery Notification Confirmation from USPS.com stating that they a notice was left on Dec. 22. 2. False. The e-mail was done as a courtesy, and I have a confirmation that the message was viewed on December 24. 3. USPS.com Confirmation page shows item was delivered the morning after and notice was sent. 4. If my declaration is 2 pages too long, I apologies to the court. I am fighting for our daughter’s well-being, I could have written a book about all the alienating behavior that I have been experiencing in the last 2 and half years. 5. No part of my declaration is hearsay. I took great pains to make sure that only facts that could be corroborated and backed up with text, email, video or audio recordings were included. 6. I was asked to respond. I believe that I did and provided more than enough points and documentation to show alienating behavior on the part of the petitioner. Keep in mind that it is a minute faction. 7. All my arguments can be corroborated with hard evidence which I am prepared to present to the court. I have not placed all the blame on the petitioner, as in any family system, all persons play a role. In this case, I am asserting that Christy (and Kaylee as shown in a court-ordered psychologist report) has played a significant role in the breakdown of my relationship with April. April also plays a role which is delineated in Exhibit 3 8. The course and direction of the counseling is being dictated by Dr. McGuire. She asked me to come in initially and has tried to contact Christy to see her and April. Dr. Miller’s course of action was the same and she also had problems getting Christy to attend regularly and keeping appointments with Dr. Miller. 9. Counseling was set up for both me and April. Dr. McGuire decided to see me first. I don’t believe Christy is in a position to question how Dr. McGuire she decides to conduct her sessions and what order she sees members of a family. 10. We are in agreement that my once strong, loving relationship with April has suffered. Again, my assertion is that Christy has played a significant role. Whenever there is any type of disagreement Christy doesn’t say I have a problem with me, she automatically goes for my relationship with April. My role has simply been that I hold April accountable for her actions and REFUSE to be supportive of her being in abusive relationships. It is well documented that interviewing enmeshed/alienated child is a waste of time, detrimental, and borders on malpractice. They will simply parrot what the alienator wants them to say. 11. A. I do not discount our daughter’s feelings. I believe they are real to her. I question whether the sources of her feelings come from her own experiences or stem from her mother or older sister, Kaylee. The children will parrot the obsessed alienator rather than express their own feelings from personal experience with the other parent. SEE POLICE REPORT. Officer B. The truth of the matter is she does lie. I believe it is a learned behavior. Look at Christy’s latest response. 12. April’s statement about me never changing is something I have heard from her mother on numerous occasions. 13. I do not follow April around with a video camera. I do use it to keep the peace and to document the court order violations. Every moment spent with our daughter, especially with how limited they have been is cherished. I vehemently deny and request that the petitioner present proof of ANY “blasting April’s business on Facebook.” Additionally, but I am not Facebook friends with any of April’s friends and have Facebook set to private. Although April continues to claim that she can see it. 14. Please see text messages. 15. I agree. April and my relationship has suffered greatly with the influence of Christy, her older sister Kaylee, and others in the household. My hope is that April and I be allowed to re-build our relationship without any further interference from Christy and that all previous court orders be enforced. 16. It is typical that an alienating parent will ask a child to be allowed to freely and “candidly” share their story. But it won’t be in our child’s side of the story. In the words of the petitioner, our daughter, “she will say what she needs to say.” |
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