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April25.org: Bact to: The Documented Case
Probably one of the most telling things that can be seen about our declarations is how my story has remained consistent. This is our second round with parental alienation. The first began in 2010 when we were being kept from April though out the holidays. We finally opened her Christmas gifts with her in March.
The next point that I would like to make, is that in both cases, I took great pains to only include, as much as possible, events that could be corroborated or verified by actual hard evidence, either video, text, voice or e-mail. While Christy and Mikes are full of vague innuendos and it is transparent what Christy's real concerns are. One of the gripes that I have against mental health 'professionals," and court officials, and CPS is their inability or unwillingness to ask the most basic questions. For example, if Christy is going to allege that I am mentally unstable, someone should ask for an example of my instability. You would think.
The next point that I would like to make, is that in both cases, I took great pains to only include, as much as possible, events that could be corroborated or verified by actual hard evidence, either video, text, voice or e-mail. While Christy and Mikes are full of vague innuendos and it is transparent what Christy's real concerns are. One of the gripes that I have against mental health 'professionals," and court officials, and CPS is their inability or unwillingness to ask the most basic questions. For example, if Christy is going to allege that I am mentally unstable, someone should ask for an example of my instability. You would think.
Court Documents, Declarations, Reports, and Exhibits.
Target Parent
Joe's Declaration |
Alienating Parent
Christy's Declaration |
Mike's Declaration |