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No one who is familiar with this real life Gone Girl is surprised at this move. Kelly Rutherford is an extremely disturbed woman who has interfered with the relationship between the children and their father. Her refusal (inability) to share or co-parent is why she has found herself in this predicament. Unfortunately, its her own children whom she is harming. The good news is that she will bring awareness to this form of child abuse; the bad news is that it will be at great cost to her children. Shame on this "mother."
Court Documents below |
More Accurate Writings about Kelly Rutherford's case
Kelly Rutherford's fight to keep her children from their father is well documented in news, therapists reports, and court documents. Among the alienating behaviors:
UPDATE Recent accusations and typical alienating behaviors:
Now, She has hired a PR firm and a shady lawyer to spin her story into one of American children unjustly being deported, unfortunately, some less sophisticated and informed have bought into it.
Additional facts:
The children were sent to Monaco by a US Judge who decided it was the best chance of the kids having BOTH parents in their lives.
Since Kelly seems to be trying everything under the sun to keep the kids from HIM in the while they are here in the US,
Including trying to get him deported and having his visa revoked.
UPDATE Recent accusations and typical alienating behaviors:
- The children were "panicky" when they were to return to the father.
- Blatant Violations of Custody agreement.
- Keeping the children from her their father.
- Refusing to add the father on Birth Certificates
- Not letting the father know their child was born
- Claimed father is an arms and drugs dealer.
- Filing numerous other false allegations.
- Having their children's father's VISA revoked (see court documents)
- Used every court and scheme imaginable to remove the father from the children's lives
- Kidnapped children...and more.
Now, She has hired a PR firm and a shady lawyer to spin her story into one of American children unjustly being deported, unfortunately, some less sophisticated and informed have bought into it.
Additional facts:
The children were sent to Monaco by a US Judge who decided it was the best chance of the kids having BOTH parents in their lives.
Since Kelly seems to be trying everything under the sun to keep the kids from HIM in the while they are here in the US,
Including trying to get him deported and having his visa revoked.
Kelly Rutherford--extreme alienator-- refuses to return children to their father!
Real Life "GONE GIRL" adds Kidnapping to her long list of abuses
Father's attorney issues statement"Daniel will continue to protect the children from any harm and any media exposure. Unfortunately Kelly has now added child abduction to extortion and false statements on her list of actions. Daniel will make sure that the children's safety and well being will be restored as soon as possible. He is very concerned about the traumatic impact that Kelly's behavior will have on the children. Kelly was to have delivered the children in France to their father on August 7, 2015. Child abduction is a crime, and everyone involved in kidnapping or abducting the children will face the appropriate legal consequences. Anyone associating themselves with Kelly and her abduction is violating the law."
Read about Kelly's first divorce to Carlos Tarajano. What she did will sicken you. Story below.
Court documents below |
Why Father's Visa was revoked and kids ordered to live in France
Gossip Girl, "Sign away rights to the children or I'll lie to state department and have your Visa revoked!"
The REAL GONE GIRL: Kelly's disturbing history
Kelly left her first husband Carlos Tarajano after he developed a very serious heart condition a few months after they married in June 2001. Her bags were packed, and out the door by the following January. They were to be featured on InStyle Weddings (magazine and television special) in Febuary. Carlos was surprised and upset that their wedding was still being featured because Kelly had already left. Instyle said Kelly assured them everything was great, and they were still together. Carlos died in 2004.
More Alienating Behavior
Gossip Girl files numerous FALSE ACCUSATIONS: "Daniel dealing arms and drugs and... is homicidal"
FATHER facilitates relationship with ex; while mother continually interferes...
Gossip Girl constant interference with father's custody time
Kelly Rutherford refuses to facilitate a relationship between kids and dad
Transcript from the January 24th Entertainment Tonight:
Kelly Rutherford Divorces!On Jan. 22, millions of viewers tuned into NBC's "InStyle Celebrity Weddings" to watch lovebirds KELLY RUTHERFORD andCARLOS TARAJANO recite their marriage vows. But the couple's fairytale romance turned into a horror story when Carlos was struck down by near-fatal illness. While a devoted Kelly stood by his side as he recuperated, on Jan. 11, she filed for divorce. And ET has the exclusive story!
It was love at first sight when Carlos, a banker, spotted the former "Melrose Place" starlet across a crowded restaurant over a year ago. As Carlos told ET, "One of my first questions was, 'Will you marry me?'"
That same evening, the smitten groom-to-be designed a wedding ring that he slipped on Kelly's finger a few months later. The couple tied the knot eight months later, in June 2001.
But alas, this Hollywood story did not have a happy ending: Three months after the wedding, Carlos collapsed while taking a shower and was rushed to the hospital. "Thank God she was taking her makeup off while I was talking to her," he recalls. "I nearly died in the shower."
Carlos, who was diagnosed with a heart condition, contends that Kelly never left his side during his stay in the hospital. But he claims that her dedication seemed to wane once he returned home. At first, Carlos depended on Kelly completely—even just to tie his shoes or brush his teeth! As he recovered, however, Carlos said that his new wife became more distant. Eventually, Kelly packed up and left.
Carlos says that his repeated attempts to reconcile proved unsucessful. Then, he discovered that "InStyle Celebrity Weddings" was ready to air footage of the couple's big day and a wedding-related interview. Surprised, Carlos called the magazine but was told that Kelly had reassured them that all was well with the marriage. So the magazine went ahead and aired the segment.
Despite being embarrassed by the "InStyle" telecast, Carlos asserts that he is "not mad—I am disappointed."
Carlos maintains to this day that Kelly loved him at the time they wed. "I'm in love with the old Kelly, not the Kelly that did this to me," he told ET. "If it had been the other way around, I would never have left her side; I promised in front of God to stay with her until death do us part."
Kelly Rutherford Divorces!On Jan. 22, millions of viewers tuned into NBC's "InStyle Celebrity Weddings" to watch lovebirds KELLY RUTHERFORD andCARLOS TARAJANO recite their marriage vows. But the couple's fairytale romance turned into a horror story when Carlos was struck down by near-fatal illness. While a devoted Kelly stood by his side as he recuperated, on Jan. 11, she filed for divorce. And ET has the exclusive story!
It was love at first sight when Carlos, a banker, spotted the former "Melrose Place" starlet across a crowded restaurant over a year ago. As Carlos told ET, "One of my first questions was, 'Will you marry me?'"
That same evening, the smitten groom-to-be designed a wedding ring that he slipped on Kelly's finger a few months later. The couple tied the knot eight months later, in June 2001.
But alas, this Hollywood story did not have a happy ending: Three months after the wedding, Carlos collapsed while taking a shower and was rushed to the hospital. "Thank God she was taking her makeup off while I was talking to her," he recalls. "I nearly died in the shower."
Carlos, who was diagnosed with a heart condition, contends that Kelly never left his side during his stay in the hospital. But he claims that her dedication seemed to wane once he returned home. At first, Carlos depended on Kelly completely—even just to tie his shoes or brush his teeth! As he recovered, however, Carlos said that his new wife became more distant. Eventually, Kelly packed up and left.
Carlos says that his repeated attempts to reconcile proved unsucessful. Then, he discovered that "InStyle Celebrity Weddings" was ready to air footage of the couple's big day and a wedding-related interview. Surprised, Carlos called the magazine but was told that Kelly had reassured them that all was well with the marriage. So the magazine went ahead and aired the segment.
Despite being embarrassed by the "InStyle" telecast, Carlos asserts that he is "not mad—I am disappointed."
Carlos maintains to this day that Kelly loved him at the time they wed. "I'm in love with the old Kelly, not the Kelly that did this to me," he told ET. "If it had been the other way around, I would never have left her side; I promised in front of God to stay with her until death do us part."
Another source writes:
Rutherford’s first marriage, to banker Carlos Tarajano (she has a type--rich), lasted less than six months. By the time InStyle Celebrity Weddings showed their interview, she’d already split. If that’s not dramatic enough for you, Tarajano managed to suffer a cardiac arrest three months before she left. If GG writers run out of ideas, maybe they should turn it into a reality show. |
Meet Helena Grace Rutherford Giersch! 07/08/2009 AT 05:00 PM ET
Courtesy Albert Ferreira/Life & Style
Gossip Girl star Kelly Rutherford, the news that she was expecting her second child came as a bittersweet surprise.
Already the mother of adorable 2 ½-year-old son Hermés Gustaf Daniel, Kelly was overjoyed at the idea of having another baby. But her volatile three-year marriage to the children’s father was already at the breaking point.
So when she was three months pregnant, Kelly, 40, made the heart-wrenching decision to leave her husband, Daniel Giersch, and have the baby on her own. Their daughter, Helena Grace, was born on June 8th in Los Angeles.
Now, for the first time since the controversial split, Kelly is speaking out. She recently sat down with Life & Style at her home to set the record straight on her life-changing choice, her bitter custody battle and her plans to raise her two children on her own.
Kelly says it didn’t take long for her to realize she and her husband, a German entrepreneur, weren’t the ideal match they seemed to be at first.
“I met this person, I fell in love with him and I wished for the best,” Kelly tells the magazine. “He was charming in the beginning.” But soon after the birth of their son in 2006, “it was pretty obvious we weren’t getting along.”
Still, for Hermés’ sake, she tried to make the relationship work.
“I just didn’t want [Hermés] to go through anything he didn’t have to,” Kelly says. “I stayed until I couldn’t stay any longer, even though I knew things were rough. I wanted to be sure. When you have a child with someone, I think you have to be able to look at them and say, ‘I did everything I could,’ before you realize it’s time to move on.”
The couple conceived Helena when they were trying to make things work. And when Kelly realized she was expecting again, she thought another baby might actually save her marriage.
“I found out I was pregnant, and I thought, Oh, maybe things will be nice, maybe it will be calm,” Kelly recalls. “But it wasn’t. Things only got more intense.”
The strain at home, Kelly reveals, was made even worse by her husband’s professional troubles.
Embroiled in a set of high-profile lawsuits — including one against Google over the rights to use the online giant’s Gmail brand in Germany — his behavior grew alarmingly erratic, Kelly claims. “He was very litigious,” she says. “He says he’s an entrepreneur, but I think he just sues people. It was very angry [behavior]. I was kind of scared to leave.”
For the sake of Hermés and her unborn daughter, Kelly finally got the strength to leave the marriage. When Helena entered the world, Kelly, her doctor, her midwife and her mom were the only people in the delivery room. “It was great,” Kelly says. “Very peaceful.”
As for her estranged hubby? “I didn’t want him in the room with me,” Kelly tellsLife & Style. (Her doctor advised against it too.) “When you’re in labor, you don’t want the man you’re divorcing in there, especially someone who’s said cruel things about you. I was just trying to have a healthy baby through an enormous amount of stress.”
Still, Kelly notes, she didn’t prevent him from seeing his daughter: “She was born at 10 at night, and he saw her the next morning.”
Courtesy Albert Ferreira/Life & Style for use on CBBDespite extremely tense relations with her ex, Kelly is flourishing in her new role as a single mom.
Nesting comfortably at home with her two young children, she says she’s at peace. “I’m so excited to have a little boy and a little girl,” Kelly says. “Since I was very young, I’d always wanted kids, so this is a dream come true!”
And she doesn’t think she needs her ex — or any man — to make her family complete.
“A lot of great men, presidents even, were raised [only] by their mothers under those conditions,” she says. “The most important thing is that the children have love and stability in their lives, whether that comes from a mother or a father. [Alone], I can raise them to be much more peaceful.”
Her ex seems to disagree. He’s taken Kelly to court in an attempt to keep her from taking Hermés back to NYC, where Gossip Girl has started filming its third season.
Kelly says he can forget it. “I’m not moving without my kid,” she says firmly. “I’m not doing anything without my son.”
As strong as Kelly is, it’s clear the emotional and financial drain of the legal drama is taking its toll on her and the kids.
“I’m not asking him for anything,” Kelly says. “He never supported me, and I never expected him to. I’m not even asking for child support.” But lawyer fees are costing her children dearly.
“He’s made sure I’ve spent everything I’ve made on lawyers,” Kelly says. “I’ve spent [the kids’] college educations so far. It’s such a waste. If he’s angry, he’s angry — I guess he’s getting it out. But is this really best for the kids? I don’t think so.”
Source: Life & Style — see a fourth photo of Helena at the link!
Courtesy Albert Ferreira/Life & Style
Gossip Girl star Kelly Rutherford, the news that she was expecting her second child came as a bittersweet surprise.
Already the mother of adorable 2 ½-year-old son Hermés Gustaf Daniel, Kelly was overjoyed at the idea of having another baby. But her volatile three-year marriage to the children’s father was already at the breaking point.
So when she was three months pregnant, Kelly, 40, made the heart-wrenching decision to leave her husband, Daniel Giersch, and have the baby on her own. Their daughter, Helena Grace, was born on June 8th in Los Angeles.
Now, for the first time since the controversial split, Kelly is speaking out. She recently sat down with Life & Style at her home to set the record straight on her life-changing choice, her bitter custody battle and her plans to raise her two children on her own.
Kelly says it didn’t take long for her to realize she and her husband, a German entrepreneur, weren’t the ideal match they seemed to be at first.
“I met this person, I fell in love with him and I wished for the best,” Kelly tells the magazine. “He was charming in the beginning.” But soon after the birth of their son in 2006, “it was pretty obvious we weren’t getting along.”
Still, for Hermés’ sake, she tried to make the relationship work.
“I just didn’t want [Hermés] to go through anything he didn’t have to,” Kelly says. “I stayed until I couldn’t stay any longer, even though I knew things were rough. I wanted to be sure. When you have a child with someone, I think you have to be able to look at them and say, ‘I did everything I could,’ before you realize it’s time to move on.”
The couple conceived Helena when they were trying to make things work. And when Kelly realized she was expecting again, she thought another baby might actually save her marriage.
“I found out I was pregnant, and I thought, Oh, maybe things will be nice, maybe it will be calm,” Kelly recalls. “But it wasn’t. Things only got more intense.”
The strain at home, Kelly reveals, was made even worse by her husband’s professional troubles.
Embroiled in a set of high-profile lawsuits — including one against Google over the rights to use the online giant’s Gmail brand in Germany — his behavior grew alarmingly erratic, Kelly claims. “He was very litigious,” she says. “He says he’s an entrepreneur, but I think he just sues people. It was very angry [behavior]. I was kind of scared to leave.”
For the sake of Hermés and her unborn daughter, Kelly finally got the strength to leave the marriage. When Helena entered the world, Kelly, her doctor, her midwife and her mom were the only people in the delivery room. “It was great,” Kelly says. “Very peaceful.”
As for her estranged hubby? “I didn’t want him in the room with me,” Kelly tellsLife & Style. (Her doctor advised against it too.) “When you’re in labor, you don’t want the man you’re divorcing in there, especially someone who’s said cruel things about you. I was just trying to have a healthy baby through an enormous amount of stress.”
Still, Kelly notes, she didn’t prevent him from seeing his daughter: “She was born at 10 at night, and he saw her the next morning.”
Courtesy Albert Ferreira/Life & Style for use on CBBDespite extremely tense relations with her ex, Kelly is flourishing in her new role as a single mom.
Nesting comfortably at home with her two young children, she says she’s at peace. “I’m so excited to have a little boy and a little girl,” Kelly says. “Since I was very young, I’d always wanted kids, so this is a dream come true!”
And she doesn’t think she needs her ex — or any man — to make her family complete.
“A lot of great men, presidents even, were raised [only] by their mothers under those conditions,” she says. “The most important thing is that the children have love and stability in their lives, whether that comes from a mother or a father. [Alone], I can raise them to be much more peaceful.”
Her ex seems to disagree. He’s taken Kelly to court in an attempt to keep her from taking Hermés back to NYC, where Gossip Girl has started filming its third season.
Kelly says he can forget it. “I’m not moving without my kid,” she says firmly. “I’m not doing anything without my son.”
As strong as Kelly is, it’s clear the emotional and financial drain of the legal drama is taking its toll on her and the kids.
“I’m not asking him for anything,” Kelly says. “He never supported me, and I never expected him to. I’m not even asking for child support.” But lawyer fees are costing her children dearly.
“He’s made sure I’ve spent everything I’ve made on lawyers,” Kelly says. “I’ve spent [the kids’] college educations so far. It’s such a waste. If he’s angry, he’s angry — I guess he’s getting it out. But is this really best for the kids? I don’t think so.”
Source: Life & Style — see a fourth photo of Helena at the link!