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Honorable Marsha Slough, what would your Commissioner Deborah Daniel do?
Only steps away from obtaining custody a father and his wife are gunned down. His ex-wife, Kristen, Kristen's brother Cameron, AND their parents, Paul and Letha Westfall were all arrested for double murder. The father, Nathan Maddox and his wife were gunned down in front of a church, right after his SUPERVISED visit. This father had only supervised visits. Do you think maybe...just maybe...I mean maybe...there is a smidgen of a chance that this judge had it wrong? |
Alleged Murderers Facebook Pages:
https://www.facebook.com/cameron.westfall https://www.facebook.com/letha.westfall https://www.facebook.com/kristen.westfall.50?fref=pb&hc_location=friends_tab Nathan Maddox's Fight for his daughter Fundraiser page:
THis is what he wrote in his GIVE FORWARD Fundraiser page titled:
Help Me Save My Daughter $1 and $5 donations add up quickly We appreciate any and all support My ex wife managed to keep my daughter from seeing me for 9 mths in 2011. In 2012 she refused to follow court orders to allow me regular visitation. In November of 2012 she claimed my ex father in law had been arrested for family violence against her and her mother in front of my daughter. She claimed he was on drugs and that he had taken my daughter to his hiding place on several occasions. In December 2012 my ex and her mother moved with my child to a one bedroom cabin so that my ex father in law could have their home set fire for insurance money. Once the house was burned my ex father in law moved into the cabin with them.Having lost almost 100 lbs. In a matter of months due to drug use. Summer of 2013 they moved into their new trailer home . Where my ex wife abandoned my daughter with the grandparents. Before leaving their home she began using meth , prostituting, and believed herself to be in danger of well known supremacy groups and gangs for her involvement in the release of numerous criminals.She was arrested for possession of controlled substances, counterfeit money, evading arrest and assault on a peace officer. Her parents bailed her out and brought her back into the home with my daughter. By their own admission I know that my daughter is frightened of her mother and hides when she is near.In my ex wife's absence I was told I could see my daughter anytime , but when I attempted to pick my daughter up for weekends they refuse and have even attacked me while I was holding my daughter in my arms. My ex father in law pulled a shotgun on me and threatened to kill me in front of my daughter. CPS has been notified, but to date can not take any action. We have filed interference with child custody charges, we have filed aggravated assault charges. We have filed protective orders. I have been seeking legal representation to get full custody since the day I learned that my ex had left our daughter with the grand parents. Lawyers want thousands of dollars before touching this case. Money I do not have. I remarried in fall 2012. I have 4 step children, whose father does not pay his child support. I am doing everything I know and can do to try to come up with the legal fees. Since being bailed out my ex wife has abandoned my daughter with the grandparents again. My little girl should be with her daddy.These people are ill mentally and physically. I see how their child raising methods worked out for my ex wife and I fear the same fate for my child. At four years old her grandfather follows her to the restroom to wipe her. He takes her off alone still after they know from Madisons own words that he took her to his secret place where he hides his drugs. They have her sleep in bed with them . Please keep in mind my wife slept in their bed until we married and that the grandmother slept in her grandmothers bed until she was married. They allow my four year old daughter to suck a pacifier and sometimes a bottle . The grandmother admits she carried a bottle on the school bus daily.My ex wife had my daughter scared for me to even visit her by telling her if I came I would steal her away and she would never see any of them again. Although protecting her from these people is definitely on the agenda... ALL I want is to be her daddy , to protect her , to give her a normal childhood and the best chance at a promising future. The grandparents are unemployed and live off disability and social security. They have literally begged and pushed repeatedly for my ex wife and Myself to sign over all rights to my daughter to them so that they can receive another SSI check. She is food stamps and SSI to them. They even fraudulently received a child support debit card by pretending to be my ex wife. Its hard to believe how many people are fooled by their lies and trickery.I just want my baby girl. I want to be able to hold her and love her and show her she has a whole family that loves her. She is the sweetest little girl you could ever imagine. I doubt you could ever meet another four year old with such Faith in God and love for Jesus Christ. I know in my heart that His angels protect her. There is nothing in this world like having your child taken from you. I thank God everyday that there is a chance I'll see her a chance that she may know her Dada loves her. Each and everyday with out her is a struggle that has taken a piece of me. Everyday without her I lose another piece of me. My step children take turns saying blessing over each meal. At every meal the first thing each of them says is God PLEASE take care of little Madison and keep her safe. They have all cried and worried over her as if she had belonged with them all along. I can't understand why these people would keep her from being able to receive all of this love. My wife and I are desperately praying for God to take control of all of this so that my daughter can get the help she needs to deal with what all she has seen and experienced. We are praying that God will help us with the finances needed to push forward with custody. We ask that God will lay it on each and every heart to remember us in your own prayer. That if anyone is able to lend a helping hand that they would come forward. I have never been one to accept charity of any kind , but I am begging any one who is able to please help us. If all you have to offer is your prayers they are valuable. If you have any information please share with us. PLEASE HELP ME SAVE MY DAUGHTER!!!! Help Me Save My Daughter https://www.facebook.com/groups/169245353275608/ |