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Time to Put Kids First uploaded a new video.
The Rally at the Washington State Capitol on Friday, June 19th was a success, and we made Fox news!!
We had about 50 people show up from all across the state, some went in and talked to legislators' assistants, we had some lawyers come who recognize the issues and are in support of reform, and we all connected and had a great time!
~TPKF Team Website: http://www.timetoputkidsfirst.org/home.html
Time to Put Kids First uploaded a new video.
The Rally at the Washington State Capitol on Friday, June 19th was a success, and we made Fox news!!
We had about 50 people show up from all across the state, some went in and talked to legislators' assistants, we had some lawyers come who recognize the issues and are in support of reform, and we all connected and had a great time!
~TPKF Team Website: http://www.timetoputkidsfirst.org/home.html
On Monday February 10, 2014 we held our March For Megan Protest in front of the San Bernardino County Courthouse. As we prepared that morning, CNN interviewed Jason Patric about his personal battle to see his son Gus. He speaks out against Parental Alienation. He also mentions Joe Barrow and his fight to be in his daughter's life.

California family in Providence to raise awareness about parental alienation
The Providence Journal / Donita Naylor
The Providence Journal / Donita Naylor
While on our Cross Country Awareness Road Trip I was contacted by Lou Puliafito. Lou hosts the talk show, Decent Life, on the Lifestyle channel of the Manhattan Neighborhood Network. I was on the road when the show aired so I called in. Chris Howard from the National Parents organization was in the studio.
Parental Alienation Tour stops in Savannah, GA.
WTOC News: Parent Alienation awareness group visits Savannah, GA. |