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- Shirley A. Stutson, MFT
"I guess I am going against a court order then." |
Shirley Stutson, MFT
16044 Outer Bear Valley Rd., Victorville, CA 92395
Christy's chosen therapist for our daughter. Currently denied my subpoena to be questioned. Shirley: I could give you the name of an evaluator. He is pro-fathers. He's out of... "Joe, why are you such a monster...you need to be more human." |
Concerns about Shirley Stutson
· Okay with example of Josh and 16 year old
· Interfered with court order. · Accuses me of lying · Accuses me of videotaping threatens that she talk to 2 lawyers. · When I mention that Christy cussed in gymnastics Shirley claims that I trigger intentionally trigger her. Where’s the accountability. · When I mention that Megan has started to lie, Shirley defends her saying ‘well we all lie Joe” When Megan said she is bothered by my “lying” Shirley validates her feelings “how does that make you feel”, “so that upsets your father lies.” · She’s really upset about that Joe. In regards to NY incident. · Shirley believes and states/ validates Christy statement that she “encourages “ Megan to visit. · I start to explain what I have been experiencing and she interrupts me and says that apparently I have all the answers. · Re defining Boyfriend/dating/Making out · OK with Megan having a boyfriends who are abusive |
· She didn’t care if we saw another therapist (Amy Miller) or not...
· Tried to suggest to me an evaluator “ who was pro fathers” · Megan stated right here in front of you that you don’t listen to her... · Stated on numerous times how she is responsible for telling Christy to let me see Megan · Feels like part of the problem is I am not a good listener, and that I lecture without. · Attempts to convince me that she is a sought after therapist. Reminds me · Stated that she is well aware that Megan has a unhealthy bond with Christy · “Christy has shown an interest in attending therapy, but fails to follow through” · Says I can’t control everything that Christy says or does when I shared with her example of Christy reminding Megan that she no longer gets to have her friends spend the night on trampoline because she HAS to visit her dad now. · Asking questions about Amy Miller, is she older or younger, what does she look like? · She used to counsel an Amy Miller. |