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The Current BoyfriendGOOD NEWS! The boyfriend broke up with our daughter. The sad news is our daughter is now switching schools. Christy denies that the two are connected. Then again she has also denied this entire time that Megan has a boyfriend, much less an abusive one.
Note: When these texts were brought to Shirley Stutson's attention (Christy's chosen therapist for April). Shirley Stutson told me and Tammy that we needed to "lower our standards."
Tammy walked out and swore not to walk into her office again. I love that about my wife. Megan and I, on the other hand were stuck with her. |
These are just some of the text messages he sends...Joe Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 11:41 AM
To: Christy Apparently April is still being allowed to have a boyfriend but just not "label it". Her text messages and cell phone continue to be un monitored (she uses words like FUCK and BITCH) and she is being allowed to delete text messages. She was distraught because her "crush" was playing games with her on the phone and not saying " i love you" back. Jobi is also showing signs of being over bearing and telling April she is not allowed to say other guys are "cute" and giving her a hard time when she doesn't respond. So part of our vacation was disrupted over aprils "crush." I made copies of text messages for shirley. April is having fun now that we took her phone away and is focusing on family and emma. It really is unfortunate that this is continus to be an issue. April is NOT ready to BE in a reationship!!! She CANT handle IT! ________________________________________ Christy Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 11:42 AM To: Joe Yes i do agree ________________________________________ Christy Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 11:45 AM To: Joe I would like to have the same copies you sent to shirley. Please i dont mind us discussing this in therapy but i should aslo be included in what you are finding and sending to our therapist. ________________________________________ Joe Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 12:05 PM To: Christy Ok...and please include me when you talk with JOBY AND Joby's dad...so i know that it is made clear what our expectations and boundaries are and everyone is abiding by them. It seems things were not made clear...according to April you told her that she is allowed to have this relationsip with Joby as long as she doesnt "label it." So now when she shoudl be focusing on having fun with her family and best friend in New york, she is being distracted by a "crush." She couldnt eat, her stomache was bothering her, she felt like throwing up and was crying....later, i caught her texting. And found out why she was upset. Right now she is doing great, but thats becuse we dealt with it. The quesion is are you going to continue to allow her to be relationships where she is manipulated? And are you going to continue to send mixed messages? We established a while ago that her having a boyfriend is not allowed. She is in an abusive relationship! Now will you put your foot down? ________________________________________ Christy Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 12:07 PM To: Joe I did speak with his dad, i told you that. We can discuss this in therapy The "WE CAN DISCUSS THIS IS THERAPY" you will hear so often. It translate into "You know by the time we get there I will have already convoluted the issue enough to distract from the real issue. Not only that, our therapist doesn't care what you have to say." You will begin to see a pattern with this. |