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Honorable Marsha Slough, time to start paying attention to what is happening to families and children in your San Bernardino County Courthouses!
Protest at San Bernardino Superior Court
(A Link To Facebook Event)
Our girls counted 105 Honks For Megan. They want their sister back.
WHEN: Monday February 10, 2014 @ 10 AM
WHERE: San Bernardino County Courthouse 351 North Arrowhead Avenue, San Bernardino, CA. 92415-0240 Join me as I take a stand against an injustice that is happening across the country. Change is happening across the country because many are speaking out, bringing awareness to this American tragedy. A new documentary, Divorce Corp. is shedding some light on the abuses of judges, mediators, and court vendors. One man, a father spearheaded the establishment of a Task Force in Connecticut to investigate the abuses in their court system. The Hollywood actor, Jason Patric started Stand up for Gus as a way to bring awareness against parental alienation and our deeply flawed court system. But, what Commissioner Daniel did in this courthouse goes far beyond incompetence, she is using her bench to get back at a father for being speaking out. I will not be silenced!