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ALL EXHIBITS in my fight to get my parental rights back
Below is a list of my Exhibits. I will eventually hyperlink all of them as they are admitted into evidence.
The hyper-linked will take you to a page with the actual documentation. On the right there will be additional evidenced of relevant information, alienating behavior, or disproving that I am an evil and dangerous parent. |
EXHIBIT A 2/24/12 1 Audio: Threatens to take more time away for "talking crap." 2. Transcript 3. Text Interference threat of court EXHIBIT B 5/4 and 5/12 1Text between Megan and Respondent 2 Christy E-mail 3 Text 4-7 Twitter Chuck E Cheese EXHIBIT C 6/9/13 1-3 Twitter 4-6 Text messages Tennessee canceled Dads fault EXHIBIT D 1 Doctored Instagram 2. Instagram 3. Picture Text from Megan 4. Text Exchange Doctored Instagram EXHIBIT E 1.Email exchange with Miss Green 2. RP email Principal Adreasen 3.Email Christy 4. Text exchange Distortion of facts. Attempt to blame dad. Pattern of how Christy operates EXHIBIT F Oct 25, 2012 1.VIDEO 2. Text Exchange 3. Sheriff Incident Report Custody Interference EXHIBIT G Nov 1 2012 VIDEO 1, Mike following Megan slowly 2, Mike waiting in car in street 3 Mike says wait in the street 3, Christy saying no to weekend visit 4. Text Exchange 5 Sheriff incident Report Custody Interference EXHIBIT H Nov 2 2012 1.Video:1 Walking out 2.Video:2 Christy Interferes 3.Video:3 I ask Christy for help 4.Video:4 Hugs Megan disparages me 5.Video:5 PLACES Megan in Car 6.Text Exchange 7.Sheriff Incident report Custody Interference EXHIBIT I 11-15-12 1.Audio 2.Transcript Last time I was allowed time with Megan EXHIBIT J Sept 28, 2012 Email from Christy EXHIBIT K June 26, 2012 1.Transcript of Megan’s letter 2.Megan’s hand-written Letter 3. Megan’s bullet points EXHIBIT L 3-11, 3-25, and 4-1, 2011 1.Text March 11 2.Text March 25 3. April 1 Megan behavior and how dad responds EXHIBIT M April 23, 2011 Text Messages with Christy Behavior after getting served court papers EXHIBIT N Oct 27, 2011 Text Exchange Christy positive After Dr. Miller involvement EXHIBIT O Nov 14 2011 Text Exchange Megan My girl is back EXHIBIT P Jan-May 2012 1-5 Voicemails Megan 6-10 transcripts EXHIBIT Q 1.Megan’s and Malia favorite part entry 2-14 pictures of New York trip EXHIBIT R Nov 1 2012 1-3.Audio 4-6 Transcripts 1.Plays victim 2. Says abusive give Megan time 3. love your daughter, love your daughter Christy plays victim Says abusive Love your daughter EXHIBIT S Aug 10 2012 1-2 VIDEO 2. Picture 3. Sheriff Incident 4. Picture of Christy Text Custody Interference EXHIBIT T Aug 18, 2012 1.Letter from Megan 2.AUDIO 3.Transcript Someone told Megan dad loves older daughter more. EXHIBIT U 2012 1-6 Sheriff Incident Reports EXHIBIT V Aug 1.AUDIOMike comes to van 2. Transcript Try to support dad but stop talking about Josh and underage girl EXHIBIT W 1-5 Pictures 6 Text Step-dad denial Josh and Faith EXHIBIT X 1.Video Gymnastics Interference 1 2. Video Mom tells Megan 3.Text Exchange Christy 2-11-11 4.Text Exchange Christy 1-15-11 5.Text Exchange Christy 2-9-11 6.Text Exchange Megan 2-18-11 7. Text Exchange Christy 3-1-11 8.Text Exchange Megan 3-1-11 9. Text Exchange Megan 3-6-11 Custody Interference and lies about it. EXHIBIT Y 1.Text Exchange Christy 3-2-12 2.Text Exchange Christy 3-4-12 3 Text Exchange Christy 3-11-12 4 Text Exchange Christy 3-14-12 5 Text Exchange Christy 3-17-12 Interference with time and threat of court EXHIBIT Z 1-4.Audio Voicemails 5-8. Transcripts of Voice mails 3.Text Christy and Tammy Barrow 4. Facebook message Jeree 5.Emily’s Facebook message 6.Emily New Year’s Eve 7. Sprint Phone Bill Christmas Incident |
EXHIBIT AA June 21 2012 1-10 Pictures of texts on Megan’s 11 Picture at Pizza place 12 Text Exchange Christy Incident in New York City EXHIBIT BB 1 Email from Christy 2-3 Twitter Pictures 4 Instagram pictures 5 Twitter posts Evidence of intimate relationship EXHIBIT CC 1-30 twitter pictures Documentation of abusive relationship EXHIBIT DD 1-8 twitter pictures Drug/Alcohol references EXHIBIT EE 2 Pictures Disturbing pattern with boys EXHIBIT FF 1-4 Pictures of texts on Megan’s phone Moms Interference EXHIBIT GG 1 Video drug use in home 2 Kaylee and Erica on drugs 3-17 Twitter Megan’s home influence EXHIBIT HH 1-14 Twitter pictures about court, fighting, drama EXHIBIT II 1-7 Twitter Pictures School Issues EXHIBIT JJ 1-8 Pictures of Christy’s text messages to dad Interfering, mocking, blaming dad, EXHIBIT KK 1-7 Pictures Facebook 8 Text exchange Christy Kaylee alienating, interfering EXHIBIT LL 1-25 Twitter Posts Megan’s concerning tweets EXHIBIT MM Damaged 4 GB memory card EXHIBIT NN Dec 28, 2012 Text message between Megan and dad Head Games EXHIBIT OO Text Exchange Christy Interference Thanksgiving Break EXHIBIT PP Aug 2012 1.Text Exchange Christy 2. Text Exchange Christy 3. Text Exchange Christy EXHIBIT QQ 1.Text Exchange Christy 2.Text Exchange Christy Christy leaves Makayla and Amber with us EXHIBIT RR 1.Text Exchange Christy 2.Text Exchange Christy Christy apologizes and acknowledges Megan was EXHIBIT SS 4-23-2011 1.Text Exchange Megan 4-23-2011 Megan after her vacation and Christy was served EXHIBIT TT 1.Text exchange Tammy and Megan 2.Email Tammy and Megan relationship EXHIBIT UU 2013 1.Email from Carol Teitlebaum 2. Text between Beth McGuire 3. Email from Beth McGuire 4. Email exchanges 5. Email Permission to change schools EXHIBIT VV 11-8-2012 Text exchange Christy 11-8-2012 EXHIBIT WW 1 Emails to San Bernardino Court self help 2. Email to Christy 12-17-2010 Trying to deal with Christy’s unwillingness to share our daughter fairly. EXHIBIT XX Text exchange Christy 7-28-2012 Joby, Christy having hard time EXHIBIT YY Megan’s progress reports 1.Helendale 2.Riverside Prep EXHIBIT ZZ 1.Text from Christy 2.pictures of Megan 3. After 78 days without Megan Christy suddenly agrees to “force” Megan to visit. EXHIBIT AAA