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Quotes from Alienators:"I am her mother! and I need to protect her!"
"I'm her mother! ME! You're just a sperm donor!" "I have always encouraged her to visit with you. She just doesn't want to visit you. Its her choice." |
We need to show that there is not only a pattern to the behaviors but also litany of quotes that alienating parents spew out as if reading from an instruction manual on how to alienate a child and get away with it. So often I hear the same words coming from targeted parents echoing the exact words I have heard. Share your quotes so that I can share with others. To share your Entire Story or a specific event
Keep in mind that these are all things one parent says to the other parent of their own child. This alone should be cause for concern.
"I wish to God you weren't Vinny's Dad but time will change that."
"Drew is Vinny's Dad NOT you!" said to biological father & on harassment, false allegations, warring, etc: "Sign over your rights and this will all go away." "Vinny is 100% mine!" Mother to bio-dad "You WILL do what I say, Vinny is mine so what I say goes!" "He is my son...mine... not yours."
"She Gets Physically Sick" when she has to come see you."
"It's [the child's] decision, not mine."
"Your mother left us. I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry, but we have plans for the weekend but you can call April and ask her."
Joe Barrow, April25.org "I'm sorry, but we have plans for the weekend and your son says he doesn't want to visit with you."
"You should work on your relationship with [the child] instead of trying to force her."
"You need to work on your relationship with your daughter."
"I won't force [the child] to see you if she doesn't want to."
"He doesn't seem to have a problem with me."
"I have always encouraged a relationship with her father"
"Your mom is rotten."
"Your dad is spending all his child-support money on his new girlfriend."
"He's an alcoholic."
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"As far as I'm concerned our daughter is free to see you if she wants, but she has music this week and camp that week..."
"I have told you in the past and am telling you again, Sxxxxx is making this decisions without my husband or myself directing her one way or another. You need to speak with Sxxxxx about her decision not to see you this weekend or any other visitation period. Whether I am home during exchanges or my husband doesn't make any difference. He and I leave that decision to Sxxxxx. We will not force her to do something she doesn't want to do. If you don't like the decision she has made then I would suggest you work on your relationship with her. Forcing her is obviously not working for you."
"You can't force your daughter to love you"
AP, California "Leave MY kids alone"
"You need to talk to [the child], not me."
"Its her choice not to visit you. I have nothing to do with it!"
"He's not comfortable at your house."
"I wish you would see that April is a good kid." said to father while holding April close.
"Your father has a new family now. He doesn't have time for you."
"It his choice if he doesn't want to go, I am not going to force him"
"You know how your mother is."
"You know how your mother is" Said to a child.
"I will take you back to court! I will take you back to court! and I will take more time away from you!"
Joe R Barrow, April25.org Add you Quote here