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Share your Story
Tell us about one of your experiences with Parental Alienation. We need to accumulate stories about our experiences with an alienator, a mediator, a judge, a therapist, or one of the many "experts."
Other ways to share
The Importance of Sharing Your Story...
One of the main things that I have found to be true of this ordeal is how similar our stories are. We suffer the same injustice, heartbreak and unbelievable treatment from not only the alienating parent (and eventually our children) but from mediators, judges, therapist, and the so-called "professionals" or "experts," who supposedly have the best interest of our children in mind.
Because we are experiencing this first hand we know what is going on, but I have often ran into those who have no idea of what we are going through and even after hearing my story and understanding and realizing the horror and insidiousness of it all, some may still believe that it is an isolated incident, that this is an anomaly; that most of the time these things don't happen. When I approach legislators, teachers, law enforcement, mental health professionals..etc, I would like to have a page where I can direct them to and show them that many others are going to very similar experiences. Its one thing when maybe one or two parents share a story with eerie similarities but when there are hundreds and thousands of stories where the events, behaviors and outcomes are all the same, there is cause for concern. It is for this reason that I am asking you to please, please, please share your story. It can be brief or long. There are no points taken off for grammar or run-on sentences. I encourage you to write from the heart. I encourage you to not hold back. I encourage you to tell your story, let your voice quiver, let your tears fall on the page, but tell your story. Our children deserve our fight, to hear our side, to hear the truth. The time for ACTION IS NOW. |
You will get a notification when your story is posted on our website. Thank you.