This is what is happening now.
On November 13, the evening before our court date, (Trial day number 10 or 11, I lost count) I received a voicemail from Justice and Associates. It was a “courtesy call” informing me that Christy was asking for another continuance.
Another continuance?!
There was going to be another delay in my trial to get my parental rights re-instated.
Earlier that day I had also received a notification by mail from Diana Shropshire, of Justice and Associates, stating that she will be unavailable for anything during mid-December to January 4, 2014.
Great, I thought. Here we go again.
If you recall there was a three month break right after the first day of trial in July when Diana Shropshire needed to take time off from attempting to permanently remove me from my daughter’s life so that she could bond with her newborn. See Irony, Sick Irony.
On November 14, sure enough Christy’s attorney showed up with a doctor’s note saying Christy had surgery and due to her medication couldn’t drive for 3 weeks.
Three weeks.
For now forget the fact that Laparoscopic Gallbladder surgery recovery time is a week, ten days max.
Our Commissioner Daniel disinclined to break her streak of incompetent calls, orders a 3 week continuance.
Another delay tactic?
Of course. After all, the holidays are coming up. Christy has a hard time sharing any of her three children with their respective fathers at any time of the year, but has an especially hard time sharing during the holiday season.
On November 29, 2013 it will be a year (A year!) since Commissioner Daniel took my parental rights away.
Commissioner Daniel had stripped me, and of course that means our entire side of my family, of all my contact and visitation rights.
Oh wait...scratch that.
I mean it’s true, but Commissioner Daniel seems to have a problem with my saying so or, at least, with me putting it that way. I get admonished every time I mention it, to which I have to rephrase it this way, ‘excuse me, you “temporarily” suspended all my visitations... a year ago.’
That’s right and if I remember correctly and I do because I have the transcripts, that was when Commissioner Daniel told me that I am not to be calling Megan and “bugging” her.
Bugging her.
Here is the actual quote off of the official court transcript. You decide.
On November 13, the evening before our court date, (Trial day number 10 or 11, I lost count) I received a voicemail from Justice and Associates. It was a “courtesy call” informing me that Christy was asking for another continuance.
Another continuance?!
There was going to be another delay in my trial to get my parental rights re-instated.
Earlier that day I had also received a notification by mail from Diana Shropshire, of Justice and Associates, stating that she will be unavailable for anything during mid-December to January 4, 2014.
Great, I thought. Here we go again.
If you recall there was a three month break right after the first day of trial in July when Diana Shropshire needed to take time off from attempting to permanently remove me from my daughter’s life so that she could bond with her newborn. See Irony, Sick Irony.
On November 14, sure enough Christy’s attorney showed up with a doctor’s note saying Christy had surgery and due to her medication couldn’t drive for 3 weeks.
Three weeks.
For now forget the fact that Laparoscopic Gallbladder surgery recovery time is a week, ten days max.
Our Commissioner Daniel disinclined to break her streak of incompetent calls, orders a 3 week continuance.
Another delay tactic?
Of course. After all, the holidays are coming up. Christy has a hard time sharing any of her three children with their respective fathers at any time of the year, but has an especially hard time sharing during the holiday season.
On November 29, 2013 it will be a year (A year!) since Commissioner Daniel took my parental rights away.
Commissioner Daniel had stripped me, and of course that means our entire side of my family, of all my contact and visitation rights.
Oh wait...scratch that.
I mean it’s true, but Commissioner Daniel seems to have a problem with my saying so or, at least, with me putting it that way. I get admonished every time I mention it, to which I have to rephrase it this way, ‘excuse me, you “temporarily” suspended all my visitations... a year ago.’
That’s right and if I remember correctly and I do because I have the transcripts, that was when Commissioner Daniel told me that I am not to be calling Megan and “bugging” her.
Bugging her.
Here is the actual quote off of the official court transcript. You decide.
“So right now the only thing that's happening is any specific orders for your visits is suspended, you'll be in therapy with your daughter at least twice a month, and I don't have a problem that Meagan is permitted to have open telephonic access to her father, but the calls are to be initiated by Meagan. So you're not to be calling and bugging her, not to be communicating on Facebook.”
~Commissioner Deborah Daniel on November 29, 2012.
Tired of The Bullshit
I have had enough. This circus had gone on too long and at some point Commissioner Daniel had to begin cleaning up her mess.
It has been a year --a year!--Since my parental rights had been stripp...uh...temporarily suspended.
I was tired of the delays. I was tired of the bullshit. I was tired of Commissioner Daniel’s incompetence.
I asked for all my rights back. I submitted that this was just another delay tactic on the part of a disturbed mother who doesn’t like to share her children especially during the holidays.
I argued that even when not bed-ridden, Christy has shown an inability or unwillingness to monitor or to have knowledge of our daughter’s whereabouts. If she was going to be on bed rest and medicated, then our daughter should be allowed to be with me on the weekends.
I also went on pointing out that in Commissioner Daniel’s own words, it was evident that Megan has been less-than truthful about what happened in New York City (or what we call the Joby incident) and Commissioner Daniel has been exposed additional evidence showing that Megan is prone to exaggeration and outright lying especially when she wants to get her way.
Aside from the overwhelming amount of evidence showing that Megan was NOT traumatized in New York City as she claimed and Christy’s therapist rubber stamped in a letter. (Go to Megan Traumatized)
This is where it would help if Commissioner Daniel had children of your own, a smidgen of an idea of what teenagers from dysfunctional homes can be about, or a clue.
I also reminded Commissioner Daniel of the almost comical if not so grossly wretched fiasco that took place last week when Christy lied to get out of another lie in regards to where our daughter was and what she was doing. (see Big Bear Lie)
In addition to the fact that Christy was unable or unwilling to give a straight answer to my question if Megan had been suspended from school for fighting the week before. Her answer was the most indirect, purposely evasive, slippery reply that I could ever have imagined one would dare attempt in court. It was so bad that I felt uncomfortable for Christy. The judge finally had interject, to turn to her, and ask her directly, was your daughter suspended from school for fighting or not?
Christy’s final answer, well...I’m still not quite sure. The truth is that Megan was suspended but as even Commissioner Daniel now realizes, the truth and what Christy says can be two entirely different things.
All I know for sure is that I –my family—are requesting that my custodial time be restored. ALL of IT! Period.
Christy’s attorney replied about how it was my fault that these proceedings had taken so long and ...insert bullshit...because I don’t recall squeezing a baby out and asking for 3 months off to bond with it.
Christy’s attorney said nothing about Megan and Christy’s lying. What could she say?
So Commissioner Daniel spoke.
The respondent spent Thanksgiving with Megan in 2011...
No, it was 2010, the Commissioner was corrected.
Thank God, I thought, she is going to do the math.
I can’t believe she is actually doing the math.
Immediately my thoughts went to our girls. Are they really going to spend at least Thanksgiving with Megan, maybe more? God knows there is some time to be made up. A year’s worth.
Okay, Joe, let her finish. Go on Commissioner Daniel, yes, 3 years ago I got to spend Thanksgiving with Megan. Sure there was hell to pay and we opened Christmas presents with her the following March but okay...
And mom gets Megan on odd number years on Thanksgiving...
Yes, I thought, but remember Megan was kept from my family for over a year including All the major holidays from Thanksgiving 2012 and on....
Remember....just do the math commissioner Daniel. Do the damn math and start digging yourself out of this hole. Start fixing this mess.
But no.
Instead I realized that my wife was right.
Instead what I found, what I realized was this: Commissioner Daniel not only doesn’t do math, most of the things she does In the Best Interest of Children, simply don’t add up.
You can spend one day with Megan she said. Either on the 29th or the 30th of November. Since Christy has a doctor’s note that she can’t drive, dad must do all the driving.
Then she added, if Megan has a good time and wants to spend the night then that’s okay as well.
My wife was right, Commissioner Daniel doesn’t get it. Truth is she has proven that to me over and over again.
I tried to explain it to her one more time.
“Does this court understand that Megan is not able to...that she cannot call and tell her mom that she is having a wonderful time with her loving father and wants to spend more time with me. Do you understand what would happen if she did that? Do you not get that? Have you not listened to a word that I have said?”
Commissioner Daniel responded that she understood that this is what I believe.
I reiterated some of my argument but that only caused Commissioner Daniel to threaten to take away Megan’s option to stay the night and I got the feeling if I pursued it she would simply retract the whole deal period. “I can do that if you like?”
Either way, I got the picture. You will take what I give you.
But I also understood more than that. I now know that Commissioner Daniel is not getting it.
Things had been going great in court. But not being one to gloat and thinking that perhaps Commissioner Daniel was now getting a clearer picture of what was going on, I was hesitant to write and boast about it. My posts remained ambiguous and purposely neutral: “My wife is a great witness,” “to be continued,” “Prayers are working,” etc...
Things continued to go well for lot of reasons but especially because of the following:
Tammy gave perhaps the best answer to one of Christy’s attorney’s questions...
When Christy was reluctant to answer whether or not our daughter was suspended from school...
There was evidence consistent with my story and that showed Christy and Megan lying...
But still, this Commissioner wasn’t getting it.
I got the strange feeling that this incompetent cuss was getting ready to double down on her initial screw up.
That’s fine, but I am going to make it as hard as possible for Commissioner Daniel to justify leaving an impressionable teenager in that dysfunctional home and without a loving, compassionate, and capable father which is what our daughter needs especially right now.
On November 29, 2013 I may be allowed to pick up Megan, I may not be.
We’ll see.
I have had enough. This circus had gone on too long and at some point Commissioner Daniel had to begin cleaning up her mess.
It has been a year --a year!--Since my parental rights had been stripp...uh...temporarily suspended.
I was tired of the delays. I was tired of the bullshit. I was tired of Commissioner Daniel’s incompetence.
I asked for all my rights back. I submitted that this was just another delay tactic on the part of a disturbed mother who doesn’t like to share her children especially during the holidays.
I argued that even when not bed-ridden, Christy has shown an inability or unwillingness to monitor or to have knowledge of our daughter’s whereabouts. If she was going to be on bed rest and medicated, then our daughter should be allowed to be with me on the weekends.
I also went on pointing out that in Commissioner Daniel’s own words, it was evident that Megan has been less-than truthful about what happened in New York City (or what we call the Joby incident) and Commissioner Daniel has been exposed additional evidence showing that Megan is prone to exaggeration and outright lying especially when she wants to get her way.
Aside from the overwhelming amount of evidence showing that Megan was NOT traumatized in New York City as she claimed and Christy’s therapist rubber stamped in a letter. (Go to Megan Traumatized)
This is where it would help if Commissioner Daniel had children of your own, a smidgen of an idea of what teenagers from dysfunctional homes can be about, or a clue.
I also reminded Commissioner Daniel of the almost comical if not so grossly wretched fiasco that took place last week when Christy lied to get out of another lie in regards to where our daughter was and what she was doing. (see Big Bear Lie)
In addition to the fact that Christy was unable or unwilling to give a straight answer to my question if Megan had been suspended from school for fighting the week before. Her answer was the most indirect, purposely evasive, slippery reply that I could ever have imagined one would dare attempt in court. It was so bad that I felt uncomfortable for Christy. The judge finally had interject, to turn to her, and ask her directly, was your daughter suspended from school for fighting or not?
Christy’s final answer, well...I’m still not quite sure. The truth is that Megan was suspended but as even Commissioner Daniel now realizes, the truth and what Christy says can be two entirely different things.
All I know for sure is that I –my family—are requesting that my custodial time be restored. ALL of IT! Period.
Christy’s attorney replied about how it was my fault that these proceedings had taken so long and ...insert bullshit...because I don’t recall squeezing a baby out and asking for 3 months off to bond with it.
Christy’s attorney said nothing about Megan and Christy’s lying. What could she say?
So Commissioner Daniel spoke.
The respondent spent Thanksgiving with Megan in 2011...
No, it was 2010, the Commissioner was corrected.
Thank God, I thought, she is going to do the math.
I can’t believe she is actually doing the math.
Immediately my thoughts went to our girls. Are they really going to spend at least Thanksgiving with Megan, maybe more? God knows there is some time to be made up. A year’s worth.
Okay, Joe, let her finish. Go on Commissioner Daniel, yes, 3 years ago I got to spend Thanksgiving with Megan. Sure there was hell to pay and we opened Christmas presents with her the following March but okay...
And mom gets Megan on odd number years on Thanksgiving...
Yes, I thought, but remember Megan was kept from my family for over a year including All the major holidays from Thanksgiving 2012 and on....
Remember....just do the math commissioner Daniel. Do the damn math and start digging yourself out of this hole. Start fixing this mess.
But no.
Instead I realized that my wife was right.
Instead what I found, what I realized was this: Commissioner Daniel not only doesn’t do math, most of the things she does In the Best Interest of Children, simply don’t add up.
You can spend one day with Megan she said. Either on the 29th or the 30th of November. Since Christy has a doctor’s note that she can’t drive, dad must do all the driving.
Then she added, if Megan has a good time and wants to spend the night then that’s okay as well.
My wife was right, Commissioner Daniel doesn’t get it. Truth is she has proven that to me over and over again.
I tried to explain it to her one more time.
“Does this court understand that Megan is not able to...that she cannot call and tell her mom that she is having a wonderful time with her loving father and wants to spend more time with me. Do you understand what would happen if she did that? Do you not get that? Have you not listened to a word that I have said?”
Commissioner Daniel responded that she understood that this is what I believe.
I reiterated some of my argument but that only caused Commissioner Daniel to threaten to take away Megan’s option to stay the night and I got the feeling if I pursued it she would simply retract the whole deal period. “I can do that if you like?”
Either way, I got the picture. You will take what I give you.
But I also understood more than that. I now know that Commissioner Daniel is not getting it.
Things had been going great in court. But not being one to gloat and thinking that perhaps Commissioner Daniel was now getting a clearer picture of what was going on, I was hesitant to write and boast about it. My posts remained ambiguous and purposely neutral: “My wife is a great witness,” “to be continued,” “Prayers are working,” etc...
Things continued to go well for lot of reasons but especially because of the following:
Tammy gave perhaps the best answer to one of Christy’s attorney’s questions...
When Christy was reluctant to answer whether or not our daughter was suspended from school...
There was evidence consistent with my story and that showed Christy and Megan lying...
But still, this Commissioner wasn’t getting it.
I got the strange feeling that this incompetent cuss was getting ready to double down on her initial screw up.
That’s fine, but I am going to make it as hard as possible for Commissioner Daniel to justify leaving an impressionable teenager in that dysfunctional home and without a loving, compassionate, and capable father which is what our daughter needs especially right now.
On November 29, 2013 I may be allowed to pick up Megan, I may not be.
We’ll see.