The good news is that the Ex Parte order to have all my visitation with Megan blocked has been denied! The bad new is, that this is parental alienation that we are talking about. Court orders (like the very detailed and specific one that we agreed on last 6 months ago) are regularly disregarded. This Ex Parte for custody modification was merely a way to block all my access with our daughter legally. But before we rejoice, keep in mind that this doesn't mean that I will get to see our daughter anytime soon even though our court order says that we are to pick her up on Friday.
So today is a bittersweet day. I appreciate my wife standing by my side. Our good friend Laurea and her son, Anthony, who babysat Sophie for us. All our friends and family who have prayed for us, and all the hopeful stories of every mother and father out there who continues to love their children whether they are with them or not.