| A good friend of mine posted this on my timeline a few days ago (Thank you Mandy Lomax). I go back to watch it to remind myself that even though I have been vocal, I have not done nearly enough to save my daughter from the grips of the most insidious form of child abuse. My daughter is caught in a toxic cult of hate and dysfunction. She has been cut off from me, her step-mother, her little sisters and ANYONE else who dare ask a good question. Megan is surrounded by those who will not question what is happening and who will blindly support her mother's assertions. Megan is trapped, she is tormented. She will not talk to me. That is bizarre to me. Knowing that I am the father that I am to her, she will not respond to me or my wife. Knowing how incredible a mother my wife was to her, she speaks of her with disgust in her voice. But the most telling thing of all, when you think about it, is that her mother Christy Garrison is more than okay with this. Why? Any other loving, healthy, compassionate parent would find the way our daughter is acting towards her "other" family unacceptable. Tammy and I would NEVER allow Malia and Jaida to speak to their father in a disrespectful way or to decide that they didn't want to visit him. I know if the tables were turned that I would personally be driving my daughter over to her mothers house...to her house!... and encouraging a relationship. But thats the difference between a parent who places their child first and a disturbed and vindictive one who uses their child(ren) to get back at the other parent. Shame on Christy and all those alienating parents for hurting their own children. |
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