There will be no trial tomorrow...
I just found out that our trial which started almost 2 weeks ago, July 11, 2013 and was supposed to continue tomorrow, July 24, 2013, is being postponed due to Christy's attorney having contractions.
Okay, babies happen. Families are made.
According to her attorney’s office they are shooting for late September for a continuation of our trial date.
Apparently, Diana M. Shropshire, from Justice & Associates, wants some time off to spend with her child.
Time with her child.
No one can blame her.
Yet, the irony will not be lost on any of us.
Especially not, one would hope, Commissioner Deborah Daniel. She has to appreciate it. Otherwise what a complete waste some supreme stuff.
A childless commissioner/judge in family court? Good one.
Destroying families from a position that demands that she be referred to as Your Honor? Come on, you’re killing me.
While doling out rulings, I have heard her use the term, 'Best interest of Children.' Now you’re just plain pissing me off.
Commissioner Daniel, I hope you’re laughing. That would actually make me feel better to know that you just think this is a cruel joke. At least then this would all make sense.
In a disturbing kind of way, yes, but it would all make sense.
Because this is a joyous occasion, for the Shropshire’s, I will not say too much about this latest development. But, I made a promise (read last blog post) and so I feel obligated to say something.
I hope your delivery goes well and you are soon holding your miracle close to your chest.
And while you are doing that, I will be writing up all the milestones that have been missed in the year since we have been allowed to have any significant amount of time with Megan. Birthdays, graduations, holidays, home-coming and all the laughter and little special moments that our family appreciates...
It was July 27th of last year that Christy picked her up from our home and said, "tell your little sisters you will see them in a week."
Four days later, July 31, 2012 Christy is saying, “Give Megan a week. Give her two weeks and we won’t have to go to court.”
The next day, Christy writes an ex-parte asking Commissioner Daniel to take all my parental rights away. I know it was the next day because the date is stamped on the top right corner: 8-1-2012...We are in court 6 days later...and well...you know the rest.
The date is clear. The reason for taking my time away, not so much.
Diana M Shropshire wants to spend some time with her child.
I want to congratulate, DIANA M. SHROPSHIRE, Christy's attorney on the birth of her miracle which will happen any day now. I hope that perhaps for an instant when you are holding your God-given miracle in your arms. I hope that gives you pause to think of all the loving mothers and fathers who have had their children ripped from their lives. I hope you also know that all those people whose life have been turned upside down will pray for you and your child that neither of you suffer what we are going through.
I know this because that’s what I hear so often from alienated parents; that they wouldn’t wish what was happening to them even on the alienating parent. They wouldn't wish this even on the person responsible for destroying their relationship and damaging their child. So yes, prayers will be going your way.
Enjoy your baby.
The smell of your newborn will stick with you for a lifetime and you will one day long for it as you watch your miracle grow.
The softness of a baby’s skin is like nothing else in this world and can only be compared to what the wings of an angel might feel like. Gaze into your baby’s eyes and you will see nothing but a natural love that feels like heaven.
Your baby will love you back because it knows nothing of hate. It is pure. It is love. It is only natural for a baby to love their parents. The hate part is taught.
Whatever the thoughts you have while holding your precious angel, know that I and the countless number of alienated parents have shared those same thoughts.
Enjoy your time off. Enjoy your blessing, your gift from God.
In the next few weeks you will know why I and many other alienated mothers, fathers, grandparents, and step-parents fight so hard against our flawed court system and incompetent “friends of the court.”
In the next few weeks I hope you begin to see why my resolve is strong, why I return time and again to face a condescending commissioner, why I keep dusting myself off, and walk straight back in to courtroom S-11 of the San Bernardino County courthouse where I am treated like a criminal though I have committed no crime.
Hopefully you will also learn something about the boundless love of a committed parent, and then, maybe, when you return to court and if, Diana Shropshire, ESQ, you still want to attempt to take my parental rights away at least you have some understanding of what your opponent, a loving, gentle father, is fighting for.
I just found out that our trial which started almost 2 weeks ago, July 11, 2013 and was supposed to continue tomorrow, July 24, 2013, is being postponed due to Christy's attorney having contractions.
Okay, babies happen. Families are made.
According to her attorney’s office they are shooting for late September for a continuation of our trial date.
Apparently, Diana M. Shropshire, from Justice & Associates, wants some time off to spend with her child.
Time with her child.
No one can blame her.
Yet, the irony will not be lost on any of us.
Especially not, one would hope, Commissioner Deborah Daniel. She has to appreciate it. Otherwise what a complete waste some supreme stuff.
A childless commissioner/judge in family court? Good one.
Destroying families from a position that demands that she be referred to as Your Honor? Come on, you’re killing me.
While doling out rulings, I have heard her use the term, 'Best interest of Children.' Now you’re just plain pissing me off.
Commissioner Daniel, I hope you’re laughing. That would actually make me feel better to know that you just think this is a cruel joke. At least then this would all make sense.
In a disturbing kind of way, yes, but it would all make sense.
Because this is a joyous occasion, for the Shropshire’s, I will not say too much about this latest development. But, I made a promise (read last blog post) and so I feel obligated to say something.
I hope your delivery goes well and you are soon holding your miracle close to your chest.
And while you are doing that, I will be writing up all the milestones that have been missed in the year since we have been allowed to have any significant amount of time with Megan. Birthdays, graduations, holidays, home-coming and all the laughter and little special moments that our family appreciates...
It was July 27th of last year that Christy picked her up from our home and said, "tell your little sisters you will see them in a week."
Four days later, July 31, 2012 Christy is saying, “Give Megan a week. Give her two weeks and we won’t have to go to court.”
The next day, Christy writes an ex-parte asking Commissioner Daniel to take all my parental rights away. I know it was the next day because the date is stamped on the top right corner: 8-1-2012...We are in court 6 days later...and well...you know the rest.
The date is clear. The reason for taking my time away, not so much.
Diana M Shropshire wants to spend some time with her child.
I want to congratulate, DIANA M. SHROPSHIRE, Christy's attorney on the birth of her miracle which will happen any day now. I hope that perhaps for an instant when you are holding your God-given miracle in your arms. I hope that gives you pause to think of all the loving mothers and fathers who have had their children ripped from their lives. I hope you also know that all those people whose life have been turned upside down will pray for you and your child that neither of you suffer what we are going through.
I know this because that’s what I hear so often from alienated parents; that they wouldn’t wish what was happening to them even on the alienating parent. They wouldn't wish this even on the person responsible for destroying their relationship and damaging their child. So yes, prayers will be going your way.
Enjoy your baby.
The smell of your newborn will stick with you for a lifetime and you will one day long for it as you watch your miracle grow.
The softness of a baby’s skin is like nothing else in this world and can only be compared to what the wings of an angel might feel like. Gaze into your baby’s eyes and you will see nothing but a natural love that feels like heaven.
Your baby will love you back because it knows nothing of hate. It is pure. It is love. It is only natural for a baby to love their parents. The hate part is taught.
Whatever the thoughts you have while holding your precious angel, know that I and the countless number of alienated parents have shared those same thoughts.
Enjoy your time off. Enjoy your blessing, your gift from God.
In the next few weeks you will know why I and many other alienated mothers, fathers, grandparents, and step-parents fight so hard against our flawed court system and incompetent “friends of the court.”
In the next few weeks I hope you begin to see why my resolve is strong, why I return time and again to face a condescending commissioner, why I keep dusting myself off, and walk straight back in to courtroom S-11 of the San Bernardino County courthouse where I am treated like a criminal though I have committed no crime.
Hopefully you will also learn something about the boundless love of a committed parent, and then, maybe, when you return to court and if, Diana Shropshire, ESQ, you still want to attempt to take my parental rights away at least you have some understanding of what your opponent, a loving, gentle father, is fighting for.
Diana Shropshire, is Christy's attorney from Justice & Associates. Rancho Cucamonga
Diana Shropshire secretary, out of nowhere, snaps back that attorney is entitled to spend time with newborn. Of course she's entitled to. Its her child. | |
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