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April25.org: Back to: The Documented Case
Christy: Alienating Parent?
List of Documented
Events Below: Official Documents
List of Events: Video![]() List of Events: Audio![]() List of Events: Text![]() List of Events: Picture![]()
NOTES to Clarify
No. Event Evidence 1. Christy threatens to take time away from me for being a concerned parent. Text Audio 2. April’s letter to me. letter 4. Text Messages on road trip Text 5. Implies that I don’t love April, nor that I believe that she is a good child. Text/Audio 6. Contact interference: No phone number for April for last 3 months Letter Sept 28 Letter/Audio 7. 8. 9. Sharing all information regarding court proceedings... Text/ 10. She can get April to visit when she wants. Oct 11, and Nov 1st 1. Allowing April to make the choice, places her in a severe loyalty bind. Regardless if April wanted to visit or not, if April decides to visit with me she still has to return to her mother’s home and deal with the ramifications of not “letting her mother down.” April has shared that she is made to feel uncomfortable by her mother and Kaylee when she returns from visits. 2. All reasons for not wanting to be with me are vague or are not reasonable arguments for not wanting to see parents. With the exception of the most recent allegations of “Peeping Tom” 3. Scheduling events around visitation times. See examples. 4. Christy, April or Kaylee pretending to physical or emotionally save April. (Kaylee sit on the floor April, Mike approaching me, hugging April prolong periods of time before she comes with me, 5. Listening in (and contribute line of questioning) to my conversations with April. 6. |