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Are children who are used as pawns and kept from a loving parents ticking time bombs? Sandy Hook shooter, Adam Lanza, was denied access to his father according to an article in the New Yorker.
Are children who are used as pawns and kept from a loving parents ticking time bombs? Sandy Hook shooter, Adam Lanza, was denied access to his father according to an article in the New Yorker.

A 21 year old, FSU student,Nicole Nachtman is sits in a Hillsborough jail cell charged with a double murder. As if that isn't tragic enough, the victims in this case are the shooter's parents: Myriam Dienes, the biological mother and Robert Dienes, the stepfather. They were shot at their home. Myriam was found in the driveway, the step-father, Robert in the home. The daughter, Nicole Nachtman been charged with two counts of first-degree murder with a firearm.
Among the many questions that will be asked one that always comes to mind whenever I hear of a tragic event involving children or young adults I wonder about the parents.
In this case I wonder about the biological father.
Late last night I was called by a good friend and told that the father had reached out asking for prayers for his daughter who he hadn't seen since she was three. He claims to have fought in the Texas family court systems, but as we know the courts don't really help in cases of one parent withholding a child from another. Needless to say, the Texas family court system let him down and perhaps, even more tragically let his daughter down.
The father went on to say that the mother, Myriam Dienes, moved their daughter Nicole 16 times in twelve years in order to keep him out of their daughter's life.
Among the many questions that will be asked one that always comes to mind whenever I hear of a tragic event involving children or young adults I wonder about the parents.
In this case I wonder about the biological father.
Late last night I was called by a good friend and told that the father had reached out asking for prayers for his daughter who he hadn't seen since she was three. He claims to have fought in the Texas family court systems, but as we know the courts don't really help in cases of one parent withholding a child from another. Needless to say, the Texas family court system let him down and perhaps, even more tragically let his daughter down.
The father went on to say that the mother, Myriam Dienes, moved their daughter Nicole 16 times in twelve years in order to keep him out of their daughter's life.
I haven't spoken to the father, nor know any of the mother's side of the story.
I want to be clear that I understand that there could be two most likely scenarios which occurred here; either Mr. Nachtman was a deadbeat dad who didn't want or pursue a relationship with his daughter or, as he claims, both he and his daughter are both victims of our family court systems which continuously lets loving parents down. What we do know is this: Right now there is a 21 year old young adult sitting in a jail cell facing a life sentence. The news has reported that she walked into a courtroom "appearing nervous and shaky." And states away there is a father who hasn't seen her in 18 years trying to reach out. But I do know that messing with a child's mind, heart and soul by denying them access to one of their parents can do nothing but harm. The father has reached out to the jail chaplain and the public defender to ask if he can see his daughter. The biological father is "not on the visit list due to the parental alienation." More on this story: Woman to be Charged on Double Homicide |
My nightmare begins with my ex. After being divorced 12 years she decides to brainwash our daughter against me, my current wife and our three daughters at home. Why? Narcissistic injury and fear of abandonment.
1. She believes it was me who reported her 24 year old son was dating a minor (16)...again. It wasn't I could care less.
2. Megan had asked to come live with me, began calling my current wife mom (on her own, but we later spoke to Megan about it being okay to refer to my wife be her first name if that made things easier on her) and her relationship with our family was amazing. Christy couldn't handle that.
But in truth it could have been anything. It doesn't take much to trigger someone with a personality disorder./personality-disorders.html
Christy's mother, Nancy Snider also has 3 children by 2 or 3 different fathers (the stories change so impossible to know the truth) All the fathers have limited to no contact with their children. Christy's sister, Michelle Edmiston Tacorante also has 3 different children by three different men. The fathers have NO contact with their children. In the cases of Christy, Michelle and Nancy the children are encourage to have a relationship with the current men in their lives only. More...
1. She believes it was me who reported her 24 year old son was dating a minor (16)...again. It wasn't I could care less.
2. Megan had asked to come live with me, began calling my current wife mom (on her own, but we later spoke to Megan about it being okay to refer to my wife be her first name if that made things easier on her) and her relationship with our family was amazing. Christy couldn't handle that.
But in truth it could have been anything. It doesn't take much to trigger someone with a personality disorder./personality-disorders.html
Christy's mother, Nancy Snider also has 3 children by 2 or 3 different fathers (the stories change so impossible to know the truth) All the fathers have limited to no contact with their children. Christy's sister, Michelle Edmiston Tacorante also has 3 different children by three different men. The fathers have NO contact with their children. In the cases of Christy, Michelle and Nancy the children are encourage to have a relationship with the current men in their lives only. More...
My ex-wife has 3 Children by 3 different fathers (All fathers Christy chose have same birth-date April 14): all have limited contact with their children. She is also alienating her two stepchildren (current husband's children) from their biological mother. Listen to the mother of Christy's stepchildren here
Christy has a sister, Michelle, who also has children from multiple men...and has interfered and limited time with their respective fathers. Both Michelle and Christy learned this behavior from their mother...who tragically for them, kept them from their respective fathers.
Our society is marred by similar examples of mothers (and fathers) who abuse their children in this manner.
This trans-generational form of abuse is carried through families and spread like a cancer. It must be exposed. It must be stopped.
Christy has a sister, Michelle, who also has children from multiple men...and has interfered and limited time with their respective fathers. Both Michelle and Christy learned this behavior from their mother...who tragically for them, kept them from their respective fathers.
Our society is marred by similar examples of mothers (and fathers) who abuse their children in this manner.
This trans-generational form of abuse is carried through families and spread like a cancer. It must be exposed. It must be stopped.
Christine "Christy" McAlister Garrison
Mother promised kids Disneyland trip, then killed them...woman-killed-children-sentenced-2016
MURDERED by Alienator: Its too late for these 2 children and too many others
Severely BRAINWASHED kids refuse to have a healthy relationship with their father and are sent to juvenile center to be...
Posted by April25.org: Parental Alienation is Child Abuse on Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Court Documents:
More Mother's interference
Showing mother's egregious and continual interference with father's attempt to be in children's lives.
More Mother's interference
Showing mother's egregious and continual interference with father's attempt to be in children's lives.

judge_to_alienator_brainwashed_children.pdf | |
File Size: | 693 kb |
File Type: |
8291 Utica Ave #103
Rancho Cucamonga, California
Represented Christy McAlister Garrison and helped a disturbed mother keep her third child from a third father.
Ph# 909-912-1912 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.justiceandassociatesinc.com/justice-and-associates-inc-apc-biography.html
Rancho Cucamonga, California
Represented Christy McAlister Garrison and helped a disturbed mother keep her third child from a third father.
Ph# 909-912-1912 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.justiceandassociatesinc.com/justice-and-associates-inc-apc-biography.html
Parental Alienation Support Groups grow exponentially online
You Get Your Own Page:
~ Our Judge Drops the Ball ~ Formal Complaint Against Judge ~ Predicted Response from Complaint Disturbing VideosClick Here: More videos of Out-of Control Step Dad
Midnight, our sons and daughters
Were cut down and taken from us Hear their heartbeats We hear their heartbeats In the wind we hear their laughters In the rain we see their tears Hear their heartbeats We hear their heartbeats U2- Mothers of the Disappeared |
Never heard of Parental Alienation?
Please read below and then click here for more articles, info and videos. What is Parental Alienation (PA)?
Its when one parent attempts to completely destroy the relationship of the other parent with their child. A form of emotional child abuse where a custodial parent belittles or vilifies the other parent to the child. Its done both subconsciously and consciously with complete disregard for the child's well-being or emotional state. What is Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS)? When the alienating parent (AP) finally succeeds in, essentially, brainwashing the child. The AP can then step back and let the programmed child takeover the badmouthing and claim to fear or hate the other parent. The alienating parent (AP) steps back and says, "I don't know what to do. the child is afraid of her father. I have always supported their relationship. But, I need to protect MY daughter from her father." See 8 Signs of Parental Alienation Voice |
This happened as well. Christy and her family NEVER go camping or vacation during this time of the year. They go during Spring break and occasion in the summer. So yes, you guessed it Christy decided to not take any chances and plan a 4 day weekend getaway--on Sophie's birthday weekend. But thats not all. Megan's not the biggest fan of beach camping and pretty much runs the show, so what can an overly indulgent best friend...ahem...parent do to sweeten the deal? Let megan's boyfriend come along. Done deal. Of course no one is supposed to know that her new boyfriend Matthew is on their family trip with them. |
The Mediators 1 & 2
Shirley Stutson MFT, Pietrina Termini, Susan Bailes, MFT, Dr. Beth McGuire, and Commissioner Deborah Daniel: Please read carefully. This is a mess which you helped create. I will never stop speaking out against this form of abuse. I will never stop fighting for my daughter and the many children who are suffering from having to hate one parent to appease the other. Honorable Marsha Slough are you aware that this is happening on your watch?
Pictures at Court Houses, News Agencies, Landmarks
Judge Goldfarb found that [the mother] “has embarked upon an unstoppable and relentless pattern of conduct for over two years to alienate the children from their father, and lacks either the ability or the willingness to facilitate, let alone encourage, a close and continuing relationship between them. On the other hand, this court finds that D.T. (Dwyane) will, in fact, encourage a close and continuing relationship between the boys and [the mother].”
NBA Star Dwyane Wade’s Custody Dispute a Classic Case of Parental Alienation--- from Fathers and Families
On Halloween,our daughter was with her...CLICK ON PICTURE
There are indications that this girl may not even have a license.
Road rage? I could only imagine...
Not to mention that our court order says that NO ONE under the age of 25 who does not meet both parents' approval is allowed to be driving our daughter around.
List of Events: Audio![]() List of Events: Text![]()
List of Events: Picture![]()
Mike destroys my memory card
On November 15, the last time I was legally allowed to spend any amount of meaningful Megan and I went to the movies. It was like I had my daughter back. The next day, Christy text me about video recording her son. I dismissed it as christy is always throwing out allegations to see if they stick. I noticed that my camera's card was missing. Christy had it. Told Sheriff on Nov 16... She claimed she found it on her front porch. Nov 19, with the help of sheriff they returned my card. It was damaged to the point that it was useless. |
Actual Text Messages below:
Joe Barrow <[email protected]> Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 2:57 PM To: Michael Garrison <[email protected]> I don't apprecite being threatened mike. I am not sure what you meant about the gun comment. If u ever "insinuate" that u will shoot me and get away with it, I will file a police report ad get a restraining order. Joe Barrow <[email protected]> Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 7:04 AM To: Michael Garrison <[email protected]> Please do not call again. If u call again I WILL report the incident. These incidences will be addressed in court and therapy in case u or christy decide to take it out on Megan. Which is EVERYONES concern. In the mean time I strongly urge u to not intimidate my daughter in any way. Mike, it will come up in therapy. |
16. |
Mike, "How's all that police calling working out for you, good?"
Because I have a court order that continues to get violated, I have been forced to call the Sheriff to help enforce it (I accumulated about 10 incident reports before I just gave calling them). However, the Sheriff on very few occasions have been willing to do anything and I drive back 2 hours without Megan. This is an audio of Mike mocking me because the police are not willing or able to help.
Mike's texts regarding Josh and underage girlfriendJoe (Dad) Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 9:11 PM
To: Michael Garrison (Step-dad) Can i talk to Megan please...i swear i was not the one who reported Josh and faith. ________________________________________ Michael Garrison (Step-dad) Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 9:24 PM To: Joe (Dad) I'm not worried about that there's nothing to report. But when you put it on your facebook page you open yourself up to slander. Faith is like a little sister to josh and kaylee. So this game you're playing is just a ploy to hurt Megan and its sad. ________________________________________ Joe (Dad) Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 10:15 PM To: Michael Garrison (Step-dad) Mike, what u and christy are doing is child abuse. I think a part of you knows that. Megan will need therapy...i will be ok Mike. I am adult, i can handle this. I know it is me you are trying to hurt but....Megan is the one you two are hurting. |
Drug use in Mike Garrison's home...
The video begins with Kaylee playing video games high. The boy is her little brother. The voice you hear asking about the weed is Kaylee Godley. |
A very brief reunion:
This was last year on Megan's birthday, September 14, 2012. I was only allowed to see her for about an hour in therapy. Afterwards, I walked with Megan towards our van before Christy could object. Tammy and Megan's 3 little sisters were all waiting in our van. They hadn't seen Megan in over a month. the entire time during this brief reunion, Mike Garrison sat in the trunk of his car video taping us. A good question for Mike would be why? Why couldn't we just enjoy our brief reunion with our daughter? |
Is this how you treat the biological father of your step-daughter?
Once again, after driving 2 hours plus to spend part of the day with our daughter, Mike pops out and tells me to wait in the street. Notice how I am always polite and non-confrontational. Mike, Not only have I always been good to your own 2 biological children (taking them places, watching them, having them spend the night...) I am Megan's father. What are you doing? |
Mike and Christy's daughter Kaylee Godley and her best friend Erika Perez getting high in their home.
Mike calls me a stalker for waiting outside his house to pick up Megan. On this night I waited for 6 hours after driving 2 hours there. Christy never showed up with Megan so I drove 2 hours back home to my other 3 girls.
Actual Text Messages below:
Joe Barrow <[email protected]> Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 2:57 PM To: Michael Garrison <[email protected]> I don't apprecite being threatened mike. I am not sure what you meant about the gun comment. If u ever "insinuate" that u will shoot me and get away with it, I will file a police report ad get a restraining order. Joe Barrow <[email protected]> Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 7:04 AM To: Michael Garrison <[email protected]> Please do not call again. If u call again I WILL report the incident. These incidences will be addressed in court and therapy in case u or christy decide to take it out on Megan. Which is EVERYONES concern. In the mean time I strongly urge u to not intimidate my daughter in any way. Mike, it will come up in therapy. |
Sheri Glendenning (Scroggins) Mike Garrison's ex-wife confirms that their 12 year old was given alcohol on family vacation.
Remember Mike was only at the school to talk to Tyler.
A video of Mike Garrison, the man of the house where our daughter lives, calling a knuckle head. I just drove 2 hours with my court-order in hand to try to pick up our daughter like I have done for years.
The name calling doesn't bother me. It says more about him than anything else. What bothers me is that our daughter lives there and is being exposed to this dysfunction. She thinks that this behavior is normal. |
The Disturbing Video of Court/Custody Interference
On two occasions on this video Mike interferes and tells Megan to come with them. At 1:25 okay then leave and ushers Megan outside. Then again at 2:11 as the 4 adults, Christy, her sister Michelle, an unknown woman, and Mike surround Megan as I am attempting to bring Megan home with our family per court order. Just as I am saying lets go, Mike says, go grab your stuff, which Christy has already placed in their car. |
Voice # 66 on 12/4/2011
Christy Garrison, wife of Mike Garrison, threatens that her husband, Mike, will hurt 12 year old boy John Bxxxx. Christy Garrison States that “Michael will find a way” to “do something really bad to him.” Christy: I mean, I know that Emma is important but if it has to do with Megan and John says anything. I am not gonna stand for it. I am telling you. You don’t...it will get really ugly. And Michael won’t hesitate to go to John and do something really bad to him. Joe: Yeah, well. Hopefully he doesn’t because...well I know what you mean. It’s what anyone feels like doing when something like this happens. Christy: Joe I am sorry, Michael will find a way Joe. And, and John knows it. Because I guess you know months ago, he told John, you do anything to hurt my daughter, you know Megan, I will come after you. |
Voice # 08
Mike Garrison threatens to backhand John Bxxxx (12 years old) and that he is not allowed over to his house. Mike Garrison: He’s not allowed over here. If he’s over here I’ll backhand him. [Mike laughs] He knows. I would...[inaudible]...jumped up in his business once or twice. He runs his mouth and it’s inappropriate. I don’t like it. Like at all. |